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Mentoring for Social Entrepreneurs

The right support you need to scale your business and impact

I use my knowledge in Product Management, Startup, Impact measurement, and agile methodologies, to help impact entrepreneurs to succeed in business and scale their impact. If your company is tech-based, I can help you even more!

Adriana Mata, Coaching for Social Entrepreneurs

What do you need to scale your impact?

Instant results


Access here If you need quick results because you don't have time to do it from scratch, use my Theory of Change templates and indicators, based on real cases



Learn everything you need to know about the theory of change and impact measurement, through my online courses and short videos



I help impactful organizations achieve their goals through learning and exploration. I facilitate online sessions through group dynamics and collaborative tools

Everything built for you


I do everything for you and I deliver tools that can be used and modified to be adapted to your needs. I leave it ready on platforms like: Notion, Confluence, AirTable

Topics I can help with


Adriana Mata
Impact Measurement Consultant

Adriana Mata

My purpose is to help organizations use their business models to generate impact.

If your organization has the ambition to create a successful business while generating positive change for the world, I would be delighted to meet you and help you achieve that goal in an agile way

I am an engineer with MBA, I have been working on impact projects for more than 18 years. After founding and growing my startup Cuantix in more than 9 countries, I have learned a lot about what it takes to integrate technology, impact, and business. 

Talk to me first

Contact Adriana Mata

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